Friday, July 1, 2016

Boy Shorts and Baby Powder. Keeping cool in the Riviera Maya.

In honor of July 1, 2016 (it’s not really in honor of anything in particular, just the middle of a really hot summer here), I thought it only appropriate to discuss underwear (for women and men). Specifically, underpants. Because let’s face it, sweat does not care about gender.   

You see, to wear or not to wear underwear in this intense heat and humidity of the Western Caribbean is a much debated issue.   And although I can’t speak for anyone else, I did want to share my opinion on this matter. 

I’m all for the cute, sexy and sometimes, uncomfortable underwear (think thong and G-strings), or briefs, shapewear, high waist pant, panties, and tangas.  But, when it comes to what type of underwear to wear (if any) in the hot, humid heat of the Western Caribbean, you really need to put some thought in it.

But before we actually talk about what is the best type of underwear to wear (if any), let’s just briefly discuss the purpose of underwear.  Here is the definition of underwear from Wikipedia:

“Undergarments (underwear) are items of clothing worn beneath outer clothes, usually in direct contact with the skin, although they may comprise more than a single layer. They serve to keep outer garments from being soiled or damaged by bodily excretions, to lessen the friction of outerwear against the skin, to shape the body, and to provide concealment or support for parts of it.”

So, if the above is really true about underwear, the option of not wearing any would defeat the purpose.  Besides, I don’t know about you, but I have seen women and men not wearing underwear, and believe me, it’s not a pretty sight.  Have you ever heard the expression “letter in the mailbox?”.  Well, my mother use to say that whenever she saw a woman wearing a dress or skirt without any underwear on and the fabric would stick between the woman’s cheeks (butt crack).  And not only that, but when the woman pulled the dress or skirt out of her cheeks, sometimes the fabric would be soiled from perspiration.  So I personally think that not wearing underwear is just not an appropriate option. 

Ok, so let’s talk about the actual underwear now. I’m not going to discuss the details of every type of underwear and the pros and cons of each.  You can make those decisions based on your own personal preference.  What I can tell you based on my trial and error, is that boy shorts have been the most comfortable and agreeable underwear for the type of heat and humidity you will experience in the Western Caribbean. And, just to be really, really, clear here.  I’m not talking about women’s boy shorts; I’m talking about women wearing men’s boy shorts.  Specifically, boxer briefs.  

In fact, it was our daughter that provided this great tip.  She had been purchasing all types of underwear in her attempt to find the most comfortable fit.  I can’t tell you how much money she spent at Victoria Secrets!  Out of sheer frustration, she went into the men’s section of a department store one day, studied the labels, and read the sizing charts, and purchased her first package of boxer briefs.  When she came home and made the announcement that she had bought men’s underwear and was going to try them on, we thought she might be on to something.  

Within the next couple of days, she told us that those men’s boxer briefs where the most comfortable underwear she had ever tried. She immediately discarded all her girly underwear, and went and purchased several packages of men’s boxer briefs.  She shared with us that she really liked how they were made (no seams in the crotch and buttocks area), a longer leg (not short like girly girl boy shorts), fitted (but not to tight), a wider waist band, the fit was very similar to wearing Spanx, except the fabric let your skin breath, and the material seemed to be a heavier cotton. 

Based on her rave reviews, I asked my husband if he had any boxer briefs that I might try. After trying them out on a few occasions, I realized that my daughter was right!  Except for when I need to where a form fitting under-garment, men’s boxer briefs are perfect!

Extremely comfortable and nicely fitted.  My husband even thinks they looked sexy.  And just like ladies’ underwear, they also come in a wide variety of colors.  Of course the real test came while wearing them in the Caribbean in extreme heat and humidity.  In addition to these comfortable fitting boxer briefs, I added a small amount of baby powder (made with cornstarch, not talc).  Between the heavier material of the boxer briefs and the lavender scented cornstarch powder, I was ready to take on the day.  And I won! 

In addition to the cornstarch and Gold bond powder, we recently
read about a new product called Fresh Balls (sorry if that sounds vulgar, but I swear, that’s what it’s called).  Although we have not personally tried it yet, they have some awesome product reviews on Amazon.

My husband has pretty much the same perspective.  The boxer briefs keep all his parts in place and allow him to powder up and keep those precious parts dry.  And he gets a kick out of the fact that I wear his underwear sometimes.

So, what do you think?  Take our poll on the top of the left column, or tell us in the comment section! 

Our silly little poll is now closed, but wanted to share the results. Thank you to those that participated!

And remember...stay dry!

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