Our decision, transition and life...in The Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
It started as a thought.
We've often thought about it, if only to ourselves at first. Fleeting thoughts while wandering a beautiful beach or strolling through an open market. And then later, after the vacation was over while putting together a scrap-book or looking at photos and remembering the warm sun on our skin and the air between our toes of our sandals and flip-flops. Yes, just a thought. But every once in a while one of us would say "wouldn't it be nice to live there?"
We found ourselves saying this more and more...and not just to ourselves. We were talking out loud to each other.
After each trip to the Caribbean it became more and more difficult to ignore a yearning that had been burning inside us for quite some time. So we started to seriously talk about the option of living abroad.
At first, we talked about it as an option for retirement. It certainly made for a safe conversation. No harm in talking about something that was 20 years away! But that safe feeling didn't last long. We wanted to start experiencing life in the Caribbean now, not 20 years from now. But how could we? With careers, a mortgage, family and friends, how could we possibly just up and move abroad.
We didn't have a clue on how to get started, but a colleague was in the process of researching retirement communities abroad and shared a couple of articles and links with us. That was all the inspiration we needed. For several months after that, we researched and read, read and researched. Article after article, website after website, forum and forum, blog after blog. I think you get the picture. We were determined to take a thought and turn it into our reality.
This blog is about our journey. We hope you will follow along with us.
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